Church Soft -
A complete solution for Churches. Stores all details of parishners and produces desired reports. It is working in all churches of Archdiocese of Trichur
Church Finance -
Software for maintaining centralized church accounts. It is working in all churches of Archdiocese of Trichur
Pharma Soft -
Software suitable for small, medium and large medical shops.
Pharmaceutical Company -
Software for pharmaceutical companies. Deals with all type of promotional activities.
Hardware Shop -
Deals all activities of a hardware shop. Suitable for all types of Hardware shops.
Bakery Soft -
Touch screen based billing system for all types of bakeries.
HMS (Hotel Management System) -
Hotel rooms can be registered, booked, issued and bills can be generated.
RMS (Restaurant Management System) -
Table wise billing, KOT, Parcel, etc. can be done in this software.
Catering Unit -
Different types of menus can be registered and can take orders based on this. Centralized stock can be maintained.
Super Market -
Suitable for small and medium type supermarkets. Facility for customer card registration and seasonal offers.
Catechism DBCLC -
Stores all data from 300 catechism units under Archdiocese of Trichur and generated all types of reports and examination mark lists.
Corporate Management of Schools -
Stores the details of all teachers regarding their service and generates all types of service related reports and orders of Corporate Management of Schools, Archdiocese of Trichur.
Quarry Soft -
Tracks all activities of a Quarry. Deals the details of vehicles also.
Vehicle Showroom -
Vehicle sales, Spare parts & Service related details can be entered here and reports can be generated.
Mobile Shop -
Purchase and sales of mobiles and accessories.
FTSS (File Tracking System Software) –
Tracks the movement of files in an office. At any time we can track the current position of the file or its closing status. Documents related with the file are also stored as soft copy images.